H E R B S 🌱
this was originally published on August 11, 2020
I recently met this amazing guy who's working on urban gardening curriculum. The curriculum covers a lot, but a main focus is on herbs. Nooooo not that herb, but like herbs herbs that are "legal" and delicious! herbs tend to be overlooked or easily forgotten. They're kinda annoying to buy at the store (plastic, easy to forget in the fridge, die quicker cuz it's not harvested fresh), but they're perfect for windowsill or fire escape gardens! Windowsill herbs have a much higher chance of making it through the winter- and what a lovely way to So not only will they feed you, nutritious, tasty, AND they smell so nice. They're the gift that keeps on giving.
My current obsession is herb salads. like hi SO TASTY. i like to garnish all foods with herbs. I also love making tea and spa water with my herbs (lemon basil water is SO refreshing). We get it, they taste good, but they are so nutritious. Herbs are packed with vitamins and these things called protective polyphenols - which is a plant compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. My fav herbs at the moment incl basil, lemon verbena, chives, mint, and tarragon. (I want to try growing ginger this year.) what are yours?!