highly recommended - Geechee Culture, Caste, Ghee, Sichuan, & Chocolate
π½ Chef BJ Denis is a Gullah cultural bearer and personal chef. his ig is FULL of knowledge and history - i love reading his posts because he goes into depth on food and culture while literally making it accessible. i think this is especially important because the Gullah Geechee community is often overlooked, purposefully silenced, and disappearing. when my parents moved to Hilton Head Island 2.5 yrs ago, i had some apprehension. a concern of mine was the food (plz read lots of fried seafood and v little seasoning) and i couldn't understand why - there are local fishmongers and great farmers markets - oh right racism. so if you're ever in low-country be sure to check out Chef BJ for history and food tips
π Ghee. whew i am missing ghee (and miso) right now. i use it when making pancakes (savory or sweet), french toast, roasting veggies, i will literally scoop a spoonful directly into my mouth. BUT ONLY VRINDAVAN GHEE. the taste is superior to the other ghee's i've tried. the only way i can explain it, is that it is so satiating
π Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. if you haven't read it. read it. to really understand the white supremacist system we live in, we need to understand how it was created and continues to be upheld. i never thought of the similarities between a theater cast and a caste system. or that the nazis used the american caste system as their framework - which says a lot the particular kind of american jewish culture i was brought up in - cuz let me tell you, the holocaust is always brought up. but somehow not this lil/giant tidbit
π₯ China Sichuan Food has taught me so much! Elaine's blog walked me through how to make fresh wonton wrappers. my arms were pretty sore the next day. but worth it. and whenever i have an ingredient -i.e. cucumber- and i don't know what to do with it, i come to this blog. welp it was a big mistake browsing just now- i'm hungry and wished i packed some of my pantry!
π« Kiva Confections. i love this lowdose cannabis brand! they were an expander for me and it's why This & That serves you Lowkey Chocolates! Kiva is well known for their consistency. they're tasty too! available in california.