reimagine holiday season- guilt free eating & decreasing alcohol
this was originally published December 13, 2019
With the holidays up in our space, I want to take a moment and remind you to enjoy the delicious food around and to NOT feel guilty for eating. Don't even feel guilty for over-eating. We are so privileged and lucky to be in a space where we can enjoy all this food. Be thankful for it. Your body is thankful for it. No you do not need to workout to make up for it. When we tie our workouts to our eating habits we create a negative feedback loop. The act of eating and the act of movement are two very different and separate elements in our lives. I do not believe there is room for guilt in either of these spaces. Sometimes we eat more or we eat less, sometimes we have a workout routine and sometimes we stray from it- it's all good! Instead of feeling guilty, honor the moment, the change, the abundance, the inconsistency, the joy.
And as your favorite pothead, remember, it's okay to use weed to get u thru the holidaze (hehe i know im annoying). alcohol is a depressant, and if the holidays are hard, it might be a nice experiment to lower or remove your intake this season. as an alternative, get that cbd or thc into your system- it will help you let go of the stress and even the disagreements- appreciate your family, friends, and chosen family for their wonderfully individual qualities.