garlic honey poultice

this was originally published on May 13, 2021

a poultice is an herbal paste applied to external situations.

okay long story short. i knew a little scratch i had became inflamed and maybe a little infected, but i also knew i didn't need prescription antibiotics (no fever or visible swelling) so i turned to natures antibiotic, garlic! for reals its an antibiotic. but thats not all garlic is known for- here's the shortlist of what garlic can do: anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic (induces sweating), antiviral, antiseptic, carminative (reduce bloating & gas), and antimicrobial.

a garlic honey poultice can be applied to cuts or placed on your chest (helps with breathing), or even the bottom of your feet. you'll need a cheesecloth (or paper towel), wet it with warm/hot water, wring out excess water. place grated or chopped garlic (start with 1/2 a clove) and small amount of honey on the cheesecloth, wrap it up, and place it where you need it. one thing to note- garlic is potent and can irritate skin, you can always put some antibiotic ointment on the skin first then apply the poultice.

i applied a honey garlic poultice for 3 days and voila! ear feels good as new! AND i noticed my ear piercings that just wont heal look healed now?!


highly recommend: grinders, ceramics, shoes, and ups fits


magnolia flowers- forage them! eat them!