happy soft launch
this was originally published on April 29, 2020
sending a BIG thank you to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who ate and reported back during my testing phase, my sister Isabel for design, my parents for supporting this idea and eating my chocolates💕💞💓, Sarah for photography, and Phi Unit for brainstorm sessions
I am so thrilled to be able to bring to you consistent micro/small doses of cannabis. the last thing I want is for people to have that terrible oh no i got too high from an edible experience. I want to help build trusting relationships between ourselves and the plant. And to own/be proud of being a "light weight". fuck that. ingesting large amounts of cannabis makes me feel terrible. and I know I'm not the only one. So let's not! I refuse to let people (mostly men because this space used to be dominated by them) make me feel pressured to ingest large quantities. Don't get me wrong, macro dosage works for others, especially when dealing with severe illness. but it's not for me right now.
small doses can do wonders for moods, our physical bodies (anti-inflammation), anxiety, and our happiness.