highly recommend- DCKS, clay pots, the 3rd plate, ceramic mugs
this was originally published October 2021
🥦 diamond crystal kosher salt. is the only salt you need. like i pack a ziploc baggie when i travel now. not only is it the perfect salt for cooking. it's perfect for cleaning your glass pieces! fill up your bong with diamond crystal salt then add rubbing alcohol. let it stand for a few hours. give it a shake (cover the mouth piece and the downstem hole with your thumbs/palms). place the bowl piece (or your pipe) in a ziploc with dc salt and rubbing alcohol. let it sit. then shake. *don't do this with ceramic pieces
🤤 dolsot - stone pots. they're amazing for soup because that shit stays HOT but i also love cooking rice in a stone pot for a few reasons- i don't like kitchen gadgets and appliances (everything in my kitchen needs to be able to do more than one thing & not take up a lot of space because my kitchen is a hallway), i like the 1-2ppl size of the bowl, but my FAV thing about dolsots is the crispy bottom layer of rice called nureungji. you can eat the bottom layer of crispy rice with toppings or do the traditional korean method - add hot water so it turns into a crunchy rice soup/tea. ITS SO GOOD. dont knock it till you try it. you can grab a dolsot at your local hmart for $15-20
📚 the third plate by dan barber is an amazing book on my favorite topic - food! covering food culture and food systems, eating locally and seasonally. dan barber speaks with farmers who use ecosystems to farm - meaning these farmers use their crops to not only feed themselves, but feed the bugs, birds, and livestock too. removing meat or banning fishing will not save the planet - the planet can actually thrive with human stewardship. the point is to not exploit and that farming is an ecosystem - not rows and rows and row of soy being maintained by pesticides. and don't get me started on organic farmings use of pesticides
☁️ Rosemilk Ceramics makes the CUTEST ceramics. think lambs, smiley faces, clouds, and horses adorning mugs, goblets, and vases. Malia is also a teaching artist with makes my heart flutter - arts education is so important! you can check out Rosemilk's web shop or IRL on oct 30 @ The Little Big Market (we'll also be there - scroll down for more info :)