this & that laboratory - face mask

this was originally published on February 7, 2019

Not sure if you're feeling like me rn, but this weather/seasonal depression/new moon/freaking february has me alllllll emotional 🎭 so i decided to fix it with a face mask 🤗
what you'll need from your kitchen:
1 tbsp yogurt
1 tsp honey
sprinkle of turmeric
sprinkle of cinnamon

you might wanna buy benzonite clay (.5 tsp) (great for hair masks, toothpaste, deodorant) and vitamin e (a few dashes). mix it up. i like to take my homemade facials to another level and use a brush to apply the mask to my face. it's like i'm not doing any of the work! let it sit for 10/15 min and wash it off


this & that laboratory - korean scrub mittens


this & that laboratory - hair mask