why you should have an aloe vera house plant
this was originally published on May 21, 2019
The case for an aloe houseplant
1. its healing powers
2. its healing powers
but really! with summer approaching (thank the gods) aloe can play a role in keeping that skin glowin. My absolutely favorite thing to do after beach days is to grab an aloe leaf and place it in the fridge while I shower.
once i've gotten all that sand outta my 🍑 crack, I slice the spiky sides off the aloe.
i cut the aloe leaf down the center-long ways and glop the goo into my hands and rub myself down (face to toes ppl!)
it's not only good for sunburn, but for skin irritation (hi sun, wind,
sand), acne, cuts, rashes, inflammation
other use cases for aloe:
-the goo inside the leaf can be taken orally to lower blood sugar levels, assist with digestion, and provide heartburn relief. mix a teaspoon of aloe juice into smoothies or water with fresh lemon. heads up aloe can be bitter
* be sure to speak with your dr about aloe vera use if you're taking glucose-lowering meds or have Chron's, colitis, or hemorrhoids
-the plant cleans and improves the air quality in your apt yay!
-you can boil aloe leaves and then steam yourself (get a towel and drape it over your head and around the pot of hot water) to alleviate asthma symptoms
aloe is full of vitamin a, c, e , & b12, along with minerals, enzymes, amino acids, salicylic acids, and folic acid.
keep aloe plants in bright space, but not hot super sunny windows. only water once the soil has dried out